Thursday, January 2, 2020

Computer Components and Latest Devices - 2431 Words

1.0 INTRODUCTION Science and technology constantly evolving and changing. The latest released product will surpassed the earliest. The earliest will only become a history. Therefore, computer scientist are striving to develop and finding the newest and ideal to fulfill the need of users. This assignment aimed to identify the computer components, its function, its importance as well as the latest and the future technologies of the pointing devices, central processing unit (CPU), memory, disk controller, disk, and monitor. 2.0 POINTING DEVICES Pointing device is an input devices that is used to allow user to input data to a computer. It is connected to the computers or laptops using a USB, PS/2, serial, or Bluetooth connection (Tyler,†¦show more content†¦The Magic cube however is android and iPhone compatible because it combines mouse, keyboard, and handwriting recognition functionality. It has the potential in the future to be easily customized to different layouts. Beside that, the Leap Motion Controller can be used by using finger and hand movements in the air to communicate with the computers and the other devices (Anand, 2013). Currently computer scientist have been working on 3D computer screens that react to the users hand moving behind the monitor display (BBC, 2013). The 3D monitor screens enable users to reach in, touch and interact with the objects inside the display. They believes the 3D screens will breakdown boundaries and make the digital experience feel more real. For the future used, many computer scientist is now conducting research in searching a new ways to interact with computers (Graham-Rowe, 2011) include voice control, gesture control and eye controlled gaze, emotionally intelligent interface (Rubens, 2012). 2.0 SIX COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER CPU is the heart to any computing system (Posinasetti, n.d.). It also known as processor which is the center of all activities responsible for changing raw data into the required information inside the computer. The function of CPU is to execute the stored software instructions, turning data into information. Users are able to communicate with CPU through input devices (Marini et al, 2012). As integrated part of CPU, memory isShow MoreRelatedComputer Numerical Control Machines763 Words   |  3 Pages Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines Introduction Computer Numerical Control machines (aka CNC) is automatic milling machines that produce industrial components without human support. They utilize pre-programmed set of commands that are sent to an internal computer, which facilitates industrial units to manufacture parts precisely and rapidly. There are various types of CNC machines from drills to plasma cutters available in the market to manufacture extensive range of components. 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