Wednesday, December 25, 2019
John Locke Over Thomas Hobbes - 983 Words
John Locke over Thomas Hobbes John Locke to me will forever be the MORE correct philosopher out of these two. First and foremost because the government I grew up in and was taught to believe in whole-heartedly is based more on Sir John Locke’s ideas and theories than it is on Thomas Hobbes’s. I say that now to get it out of the way so I can move on to more intelligible and thought provoking facts and opinions behind this personal belief. To translate the messy, spider webbed, hectic thought that’s in my head in the simplest way possible, I believe it’s hard to make either type of government work. It’s just especially hard to make an absolute monarch/†one man show†work. A monarch is basically a gamble because you have no say in who’s the leader. You just have to hope that the past leader was a half-ass decent parent who raised a child to have a good head on his/her shoulders and won’t drive the entire country into the groun d. Now the beliefs and theories that John Locke had listed in his book The Two Treatises of Government state that since a government is something created by people to protect people’s rights and liberties that the people should have a say in who’s running the whole show and at least a little say in what the government does. Now, all of that is just the very basic idea of these two philosophies so of course there’s more to cover. As I said, Thomas Hobbes was a firm believer in what I’m going to call (for lack of a better term) a â€Å"one man show.†Basically,Show MoreRelatedEssay about Phi-286 Mod 3 Wa 1827 Words  | 4 PagesIndependence) follows from John Lockes theory of government? Could it follow from Hobbess theory of government? Under what circumstances? Thomas Jeffersons theory of revolution seems to follow specific criteria from Thomas Hobbes original foundation, which was further expanded upon by John Locke and ultimately fine tuned by Thomas Jefferson. To get an understanding how these three philosophies follow one another, we must begin at the documented source; Thomas Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes lived during revolutionaryRead MoreJohn Locke s Theory Of Government884 Words  | 4 Pages This essay will discuss and show how Thomas Jefferson’s theory of revolution follows the speculation of government from the philosopher John Locke. We’ll additionally discuss Thomas Hobbes’s theory of government. Both John Locke and Jefferson’s theories contributed to the American Revolution and to the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson’s theory of revolution found within the Declaration of Independence follows John Locke’s theory of government in multiple aspects, as well as inRead MoreJohn Locke And Thomas Hobbes1287 Words  | 6 Pagesknow how to balance and consider the nature of humankind and their rights. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were both political philosophers who developed theories about how the government should work. They set up their theories around The Natural Law and the Social Contract Theory. Alth ough John Locke and Thomas Hobbes had a similar goal, their beliefs and opinions were definitely not the same. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes both believed in the Natural Law and the Social Contract Theory. They both developedRead MoreHobbes Vs. Marx On Government s First Duty1038 Words  | 5 PagesHurless Mrs. Sauter World History – Block G 15 December 2014 Topic #1 – Hobbes vs. Locke vs. Marx â€Å"Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives,†said Ronald Reagan. Some political philosophies like John Locke would agree to this statement, while other, like Thomas Hobbes would not, and some will both agree and disagree, like Karl Marx. You will come to learn why the â€Å"social contract†of John Locke is the best through the review of all three philosophers main ideas on governmentRead MoreViews of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau815 Words  | 4 PagesArden Bentley AP Euro 3/9/13 Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Racques Rosseau were philosophers who stated their belief of human nature and how we should govern mankind. Although Rousseau was born a different time than Hobbes and Locke, they all had a very strong influence on the way governments should function. They created a revolutionary idea of the state of nature, the way men were before a government came into play. Each philosopher developed guidelines and responsibilities that the governmentRead MoreJohn Locke And The Civil War1177 Words  | 5 PagesMichael Gilmore Mrs. Sauter World History 15 December 2014 People over People John Adams once said, â€Å"Fear is the foundation of most governments.†Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx all grew up in a time of war and witnessed the same events that caused them to create their idea of government. Hobbes learned that people are naturally wicked, Locke learned that people all had natural rights. Karl Marx thought that the social order did not matter. All of them concluded that their governmentalRead MoreThe Political Philosophies Of Thomas Hobbes913 Words  | 4 PagesAisha Gupta Mr. Ochs World History/Block F 15 December 2014 Philosophers and Philosophies The political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx all vary in their political philosophies: Thomas Hobbes focused on the power with one, central, absolute monarch, â€Å"upon one man†or â€Å"one assembly of men†; John Locke emphasized that government not rule over the natural rights of every being, and that they are apart from â€Å"any superior power†; and Karl Marx outlined the government leading economicRead MoreModern Liberalism and Political Policies1337 Words  | 6 PagesModern Liberalism Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s political philosophies and theories each differ from one another’s, but these three philosophers have all staked their claims as to what man would be like, prior to the formation of the state. This is the State of Nature. Their notions on the social contract reflect their position on the political spectrum. These three philosophers also examine the purpose and function of the government to individuals of the state. Modern liberalismRead MoreJohn Locke And John Stuart Mill s On Liberty Essay1748 Words  | 7 PagesPolitical philosophers over time have developed their own conceptions of liberty and the relationship of individuals to not only society, but also the state. Political philosophers such as, Aristotle and Plato have more of an ancient conception of liberty and the role the individual plays in society and to the state. Whereas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and John Stuart Mill have developed a more modernized conception of liberty and the role of the individual to the state and society. Plato’s workRead MoreThe State Of Nature And Government1315 Words  | 6 Pagessubject that Hobbes and Locke both discuss in their book. The enlightenment period was a time of Learning, new inventions, new theories, and new government. Two prominent figures that became known during the enlightenment were Thomas Hobbes (1588-1674) and John Locke (1632-1704). These enlightenment authors represent two different side of the political spectrum; Locke represents the right wing with his book â€Å"Second Treatise on Civil Government†and â€Å"A Letter Concerning Toleration†and Hobbes represent
Monday, December 16, 2019
Predatory Lenders The Law And Economics Of Predatory...
Predatory lenders are organizations, which offer loans with high interest rates to those who are in need of fast money, usually because of an emergency. Engel Kathleen, and Patricia McCoy, in their paper â€Å"A tale of three markets: The law and economics of predatory lending†defined predatory lending as Any serious attempt to address the problem of predatory lending, however, must be able to describe it. â€Å"predatory lending generally has been described as a catalogue of onerous lending practices, which are often targeted at vulnerable populations and result in devastating personal losses, including bankruptcy, poverty, and foreclosure. †which essentially means that while the methods of predatory lending have changed over the years, the concept of predatory lending has remained the same. Predatory lenders used to be loan sharks, who would loan people money from the local mob, but now predatory lenders operate as payday loan offices, and Car Title loaners. These c ompanies utilize the niche market of people living in low-income areas, who are desperate for quick cash and have stable paying jobs, and a willingness to pay the flat fees associated with said loans. Loans such as Payday Loans and Car title loans operate by preying on those who have no other alternatives. Predatory lending practices have had a predominately negative effect on lower income communities, forcing many families living in these communities to go into deeper debt trying to pay off the initial loan, leadingShow MoreRelated Legislation and Predatory Lending in the Mortgage Industry Essay1898 Words  | 8 PagesLegislation and Predatory Lending in the Mortgage Industry The American Dream has been one of this nations most enduring ideals of the past half-century. Presumably, every young couple, low-income family, and incoming immigrant hopes to one day produce 1.7 kids, obtain 1.3 cars, and of course purchase the house with the white picket fence. But fulfilling these goals costs money; and the aforementioned groups are among the least financially stable in the country. These peoples need forRead MorePredatory Lending in the Housing Industry3062 Words  | 13 PagesThe Ethics of Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry The real estate industry is thriving with approximately sixty-eight percent of all Americans being homeowners. With low interest rates, 1st time home buyer down payment assistance programs, and government funded educational opportunities (i.e. the Home Ownership Center of Greater Cincinnati), the real estate and mortgage lending industries will continue to flourish. However, there are some unethical lending practices that are threateningRead More Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry Essay2965 Words  | 12 PagesEthics of Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The real estate industry is thriving with approximately sixty-eight percent of all Americans being homeowners. With low interest rates, 1st time home buyer down payment assistance programs, and government funded educational opportunities (i.e. the Home Ownership Center of Greater Cincinnati), the real estate and mortgage lending industries will continue to flourish. However, there are some unethical lending practicesRead MoreThe Subprime Loan Blog Assignment And References Of Resources Researched Essay1390 Words  | 6 PagesThere were many culprits in the subprime loan debacle in the United States starting somewhere around the middle of 2006. Gilbert (2011) state many levels of contributors participated in this mortgage lending crisis. Gilbert (2011) portends some of these included loan applicants, mortgage brokers, lenders, individual mortgage packagers, agencies that rate mortgages, investment brokers, and advisers, and purchasers of the collateralize d mortgage obligations (Gilbert, 2011). People are advised toRead MoreDeregulation And The Rebirth Of An Industry1564 Words  | 7 PagesI. Deregulation and the Rebirth of an Industry Before the 1980s you couldn’t find many payday lenders, if a person was short on cash and needed it immediately they had to go their local pawn shop, or if incredibly desperate a loan shark. The pawn shop provided a pay-it-back or lose it system which left people without their personal effects, but they were free from debt. The loan shark on the other hand charged extremely-high interest rates, and usually under illegal conditions. Both of these optionsRead MoreEssay on The Subprime Mortgage Crisis1374 Words  | 6 PagesThe subprime mortgage crisis The argument over who is at fault for the housing market collapse has been a heated issue amongst government, politicians, banking institutions, and mortgage lenders. The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing financial issue and real estate nightmare for the United States economy. A dramatic increase in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures has caused a significant adverse effect on banking institutions and financial markets. Due to this mortgage crisis, the housingRead MoreThe Housing Crisis Of 20081563 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States housing market experienced growth at an unprecedented rate, leading to historical highs in home ownership. This surge in home buying was the result of multiple illusory financial circumstances which reduced the apparent risk of both lending and receiving loans. However, in 2007, when the upward trend in home values could no longer continue and began to reverse itself, homeowners found themselves owing more than the value of their properties, a t rend which lent itself to increased defaultsRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081389 Words  | 6 Pagesforeclosure rates and housing appraisal drops. The government s false sense of security in regards to the economy and the predatory lending practices of big banks such as Bank of America, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo, impacted the housing market negatively and ultimately led to millions of people in debt and without a home. Keywords: Bank of America, subprime mortgage-lending, financial crisis 2007-2008 The Financial Crises of 2007/2008: A Look At Subprime Mortgages and the Big Banks’Read MoreThe Great Recession Of 20081388 Words  | 6 PagesRecession is considered the second worst economic crisis in American history, behind the Great Depression. The Recession of 2008 was caused by two major faults: the use of subprime lending and changes in banking culture leaning towards self interest within the banking industry. There is no doubt that subprime lending was a major cause of the Recession. It was a tactic used by investment banks in order to get more money from unsuspecting homeowners. However, lenders found out that most of the peopleRead MoreSolving the Foreclosure Crisis Essay1092 Words  | 5 PagesThe foreclosure crisis was one of the harbingers of the coming economic recession. This was the issue that shifted the focus of the 2008 presidential election from the Iraq War to the economy. As one can imagine, many individuals and families are currently hurting as a result of this foreclosure crisis. High unemployment rates and lack of job creation leave very few options for already struggling homeowners. Because the housing industry composes such a large part of the American economy and affects
Sunday, December 8, 2019
World History Hitler free essay sample
Benito Mussolini led a disorganized life. He had been a rebellious boy in school. He had fled from Italy to avoid military service in 1902. And he was arrested in Switzerland for organizing a general strike. World War I, however, gave Mussolini more focus. He rejected some of his earlier socialist beliefs, and in 1919, he founded a combat group called the Fasci di Combattimento, consisting mostly of Italian veterans. Two years later, he changed the groups name to the National Fascist Party. Taking advantage of the economic and governmental problems in Italy in the 1920s, he and his supporters marched on Rome, effecting a coup detat and making himself prime minister. By 1925, Mussolini had established a dictatorship and eliminated other political parties. The government then took control of schools, press, police, and industry. Also, Mussolini had the government act as a mediator between employers and workers to settle disputes. Mussolini was considered a particularly charismatic figure and was able to give powerful and persuasive speeches. We will write a custom essay sample on World History Hitler or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This nation would incorporate Germans in Austria, Czechoslovakia, and other countries. Also, the Nazis wanted Jews and non-Germans to be deprived of German citizenship. Hitler gained support for the Nazi Party through speeches and appeals to feelings of resentment. In 1923, he attempted to overthrow governments of both Bavaria and Germany. He led a group of 2,000 in a march against the Bavarian government, but the state police stopped the protestors. This attempted coup is known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Adolf Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party At the end of World War I, Adolf Hitler was just another jobless soldier wandering around Germany. In 1919, he joined a small political party called the National Socialist German Workerthe Nazi Party. Like communists in the Soviet Union and fascists in Italy, the Nazis practiced an extreme form of nationalism believing that the interests of their country were more important than any others even more important than personal rights and freedoms. Hitler quickly rose to power to become the Nazi partys leader, or Fuhrer. In his two-volume book, Mein Kampf, my struggle in English, Hitler spelled out his Nazi beliefs. He sought to unite all German-speaking people into a national state. He also maintained that the German, or Aryan, race was superior to all others. Hitler thought his master race deserved more land, even if it meant taking it by force. The economic hardships in Germany in the early 1930s helped Hitler and the Nazi party gain power. In 1932, roughly six million Germans were jobless, and Hitler’s promise to restore German pride and stature in the world appealed to them. As head of the Nazi Party, Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January 1933. He quickly put an end to the faltering Weimar democracy and established his Third Reich, a totalitarian regime with himself as dictator. Hitler capitalized on hate and racism, blaming Jews for the economic problems plaguing Germany. Jews were ousted from government positions and certain professions and barred from the use of public facilities. They were isolated and forced to wear a yellow Star of David. The discrimination escalated in November of 1938. Rampaging mobs attacked Jews in the street, in their homes, and at their places of work and worship. Nearly 100 Jews were killed, more than 1,000 synagogues burned, and over 7000 Jewish businesses were destroyed. This came to be called Kristallnacht or night of broken glass. Jewish property was seized, and Jews, gypsies, and other groups considered unfit for Hitler’s master race were sent to concentration camps. Over the course of the war, six million Jews and five million others were murdered by the Nazis. This became known as the Holocaust. The extent of the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps would not be fully realized until the war ended in 1945. mussolini isorganized life rebellious boy in school fled from Italy to avoid military service was arrested in Switzerland for organizing a general strike founded a combat group prime minister established a dictatorship and eliminated other political parties took control of schools, press, police, and industry mediator between employers and workers to settle disputes considered a particularly charismatic figure was able to give powerful and persuasive speeches. HITLER served in the war group leader gained support for the Nazi Party through speeches and appeals to feelings of resentment. Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January 1933 He put an end to the faltering Weimar democracy and established himself as dictator Hitler capitalized on hate and racism, In 1919 Mussolini, founded a combat group called the Fasci di Combattimento, consisting mostly of Italian veterans. Two years later, he changed the groups name to the National Fascist Party. In 1919, Adolf Hitler began to attend meetings of a small group called the German Workers Party. Soon he became the groups leader and changed the name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, later called the Nazi Party.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Victor Poet C.W. Longenecker Essay Example For Students
The Victor Poet: C.W. Longenecker Essay But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. I really Like this poem because It reminds me that before anything I do. I have to have my mind free and have a clear head, not think about the what ifs, or the maybe and just go do it. Youve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. I think the meaning of this poem is to remind us, that everyone is Just the same as us. And that if we have enough heart we can do it. But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. The poetic devices used are ABACA throughout the poem. We will write a custom essay on The Victor Poet: C.W. Longenecker specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Out of My Way Seethes Out of my way Out of my, way I can? T pass up this opportunity to make myself absurd, I can? T pass up this opportunity to let myself be heard. Would you, like to, be the one who sees me lose this all, Would you, like to, be the one who sees me fall. Nobody? S goanna stand In my way Nobody? S goanna stand in my way Give it up son, doing? This my way You like to think the worst is over now, but you cant breathe at all You like to think you? Re owed a favor now, man you? Eve seen it all Did you, want to, be the one who pushed me off the wall, Did you, want to, be the one who let me fall. You can? T hold me down.. Give it up, doing? This my way Out of my way This song is poetry to me because it rhymes in every verse Did you, want to, be the one who pushed me off the wall, Did you, want to, be the one who let me fall. The poetic device used in the beginning is BABY then it goes to AAA later in the song. Snow By Tyler Urban Snow falling softly Blanketing over the ground Beautiful it looked Life Life is amazing Treat everyday like its your last Swiftly Tyler Urban The snow falls swiftly Swiftly through the air snow falls Snow may never end Life is pitiful The days never end with you Eve waited my life Band camp Tyler urban One time at band camp I saw a beautiful girl So I said hello Rhyming poems I have gone places I should not gone. I have done things I should not done. I have been a bad model For my toddle. I have seen through hell, But still I come back. Eve failed plenty things but still I have my wings. Eve been down before but still I will outscore. Stupid Swimming Swimming is dumb it is not a lot of fun Id rather be on a long run UT dont get in a fight you might need some light. You swim by yourself you can pride oneself on Just being by myself When you want to quit have another go at it. Just breath for a bit. Sonnet Love has passed. You fell into the rainbow of my heart Mixing colors lightly tugged and stared Never knowing where it might re-start Leaving mistrust without a slight care Never paying attention to their lead Knowing now, I need to get my mind strait True love is never close yet I feel freed Realizing that I know this much too late Written into mystery was our fate Soft words of molten wax did leave their trace Seemingly I know it makes no debate Seductive, reckoning sweet embrace You drowned me when you knew no difference The nails around my heart knew no defense. Free Verse Sadness One day alone on the road I drive to the end of the world Just to see myself by myself The sadness deepens with every passing minute Knowing that the loneliness never ends The gas always flows but alone I still am I drive for you You do not notice me I could be yours But if I was it Alone I am Alone you are Cry, cry, Teardrop through each minute were Not.
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