Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Defenses to Persuade the Jury essays
Defenses to Persuade the Jury essays There have been many defenses used to try to persuade the jury to a verdict of not guilty. They include: gay panic defense, urban psychosis, battered woman, sleepwalking, and postpartum. The validity of these defenses is not always very great and the application is not always very wise. The gay panic defense was used in the trial of Matthew Sheppard. One of his alleged murderers said that after Matthew Sheppard sexually advanced him, it brought out of him repressed memories of homosexual sexual abuse in his childhood, which drove him to kill Matthew Sheppard. As a defense this is not a legitimate one because the intention of killing was still present. Whether it be incited by bad memories or whether it is out of pure anger, then intention of murder was still there. Applied to the Sheppard case, there is no question that it is a useless one. The murderer was the party that accosted Sheppard, and after they knocked him unconscious, they drove him a long ways away, tied him to a post and then beat him to death. The intention and the planning were both there no matter what defense was used. Urban psychosis is another illegitimate defense. The idea that a person can be excluded from a crime because of his upbringing is ridiculous. The fact that an individual was brought up in a urban setting filled with violence does not excuse the defendant from a crime. Mens Rea dictates that act and intent are both necessary in order for a crime to take place. A supposed defendant and victim of urban psychosis still has both act and intent. Although it becomes more unclear whether the individual can or cannot distinguish between right and wrong, the fact remains that the defendant still had every intention of killing someone. The use of battered woman defense is a very reasonable one. The fact is that battered woman is based on the idea that these women killed their husbands because they themselves have been victims of domestic abuse or physica...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Conjugate the Regular French Verb Acheter (To Buy)
How to Conjugate the Regular French Verb 'Acheter' ('To Buy') Achete (to buy) is a very common French stem-changing verb. It is a verb that has two different stems but is conjugated with the same endings as regular -er verbs. Stem-changing verbs are sometimes also called boot verbs or shoe verbs because if you circle the forms that have stem changes in the conjugation table below, the resulting shape looks like a boot or shoe. The Actual Stem Change For the present tense of verbs that end in -e_er ( _ indicates one or more consonants), the stem change consists of changing the e before that consonant to à ¨Ã‚ in all forms but nous and vous. See this happen in the table below. Stem changes are not limited to the present tense; they occur across several French tenses and moods, as shown in the table below. Note that the table below has only the simple conjugations of the verb acheter; it does not include the compound tenses, which consist of a form of the auxiliary verb and the past participle. Common -e_er Stem-Changing Verbs    acheter  to buy   amener  to take   emmener  to take    enlever  to remove   geler  to freeze   harceler  o harass   lever  to lift, raise   mener  to lead   peler  to peel   peser  to weigh   promener  to walk Other than acheter, geler, harceler and peler, most verbs that end in -eler and -eter are part of a different stem-change group that includes -eler verbs and -eter verbs. Verbs that end in -à ©_er have a similar stem change. For the present tense of verbs that end in -à ©_er, the stem change consists of changing à © to à ¨ in all forms but nous and vous, as in the following example:    je considà ¨re       nous considà ©rons   tu considà ¨res     vous considà ©rez   il considà ¨re        ils considà ¨rent Common -à ©_er Stem-Changing Verbs   cà ©der  to give up, dispose of   cà ©là ©brer to celebrate   complà ©ter to complete   considà ©rer to consider   diffà ©rer to differ   espà ©rer to hope   exagà ©rer* to exaggerate   gà ©rer to manage   inquià ©ter to worry   modà ©rer to moderate   pà ©nà ©trer to enter   possà ©der to possess   prà ©fà ©rer to prefer   protà ©ger* to protect   reflà ©ter to reflect   rà ©pà ©ter to repeat   rà ©và ©ler to reveal   suggà ©rer to suggest   zà ©brer to stripe*These are also spelling change verbs. Verbs that end in -e_er have a similar stem change. For -e_er verbs and -à ©_er verbs, the penultimate e takes on or changes to à ¨. Simple Conjugations of the French Stem-Changing Verb Acheter Present Future Imperfect Present participle j achte achterai achetais achetant tu achtes achteras achetais il achte achtera achetait nous achetons achterons achetions vous achetez achterez achetiez ils achtent achteront achetaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle achet Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j achte achterais achetai achetasse tu achtes achterais achetas achetasses il achte achterait acheta achett nous achetions achterions achetmes achetassions vous achetiez achteriez achettes achetassiez ils achtent achteraient achetrent achetassent Imperative tu achte nous achetons vous achetez
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Intercultural communication in the film Hotel Rwanda Essay
Intercultural communication in the film Hotel Rwanda - Essay Example The film stages the relationship between the protagonist of the movie, Paul, the manager of the local hotel and Colonel Oliver, the peace keeper of the United Nations. The character of the colonel is portrayed as the character that had to bear the shame of the failure of the international agency to intervene peace in the locality of Rwanda. Paul is portrayed as a personal with exceptional leadership quality thathas the ability to make significant decisions at crucial times. Paul is found to deliver a speech in the movie at a time where the conflict has reached its height. In the speech he urges the victims to seek for help from any source they have to save their extinction. He also continues with the speech and let the refugees know that his hotel can no longer provide shelter to them. Throughout the scene in which Paul delivers his speech he depicts a strong body language and the voice of tone suggests the concern he has for the victims. His posture reflected the confidence which he wanted to spread among the people over there. Paul exhibits partial open and closed form of communication throughout his speech delivery. Paul’s performance was quite symbolic in the scenes where he shivers during driving over dead bodies in the city. The movie successfully depicts the relationship which was there in the period of crisis between the Rwandans and the white Americans. In the movie Paul was portrayed as a character that had strong qualities of interpersonal communication.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Connectionist modeling theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Connectionist modeling theory - Essay Example Connectionist theory has also been used to explain language. Connectionist theory is basically the process of seeing a connection between the input (perception) and the output (language) (McMurray 2000). The mental processes as explained above are a large part of the processes. Connectionist theory tries to understand how the brain or the neural network makes connections between the input and the output. Basically, it is connection the perceived data with the ideas that come out as output. Connectionist theory comes up with formulas that try to explain the process in creation of words, starting from the understanding of the stimulus, Linguistics has tried to come up with theories to understand language development. But it has largely ignored mental processes. Language is also connected to mental processes. What one thinks, that becomes language. Connectionist theory tries to explain how this process happens. Connections are made between the stimuli and the output. This evolves to how the mind reacts to word as well as objects. It also goes to how the various networks within the brain cause the connections to change – yet another part of the theory. Connectionist theory is thus very interesting in helping linguists map the mental processes in creating ideas. My proposed paper will study the connectionist theory and how it benefits in the study of linguistics. Aside from looking at the basic principles of connectionist theory, the proposed study will look for the most common patterns about how ideas become words using the connectionist perspective. Smith and Samuelson (2003) studied the dissimilarity between the two emergentist theories, connectionism and dynamic systems theory. Both the theories differ in the manner they study development. The authors in the study assert the differences between connectionist and dynamic systems approaches in terms of the basic elements of the paradigms, what they
Sunday, November 17, 2019
IT Strategy and Network Design Proposal Essay Example for Free
IT Strategy and Network Design Proposal Essay The GFK School of Motoring was established in 1960. Since then, the school has grown steadily and now has a several offices in the London area. However, the Organization is expanding and a new branch is to be built that will link with the existing network and also utilise the latest technologies such as simulators, the internet and the World Wide Web. Furthermore, improvement is needed in the communications and sharing of information between offices spread around the London. The Director wants to take advantage of the Internet to change the way the company operates. The new branch will allow prospective clients to browse the website and make an initial registration. Interview and the checking of documents can then be arranged on-line. Once a client has been registered any payments due can also be made on-line via any of the various credit and debit cards. Flexibility in the provision of services to clients also requires that once registered, a client can take a driving lesson at any of the centres. Hence an integrated and up-to-date database system is to be implemented. The Director of the organization feels that too many mistakes are being made with the current system and that the success of the organization will be short-lived if he does not do something to overcome the situation. He knows that a good IT strategy and network design could help in part to solve the problem and has approached our team to help create a new branch and implement an efficient and reliable information system to support the running of the organization as a whole. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF GFK OPERATIONS. Each office has a manager (who tends to be a senior instructor), Several senior instructors, instructors and administrate staffs. The staff hierarchy is as follows: Manager Senior instructors Instructors Office personnel. The manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the office. Clients must first register on-line or at an office and this requires that they complete an application form, which records their personal details. Before the first lesson, a client is requested to attend an interview with an instructor to assess the needs of the client and to ensure that the client holds a valid provisional driving license. A client is free to ask for a particular instructor or to request that an instructor be changed at any stage throughout the process of learning to drive. After a successful interview, the first lesson is booked. A client may request individual lessons or book a block of lessons for reduced fee. An individual lesson is for one or two hours which begins and ends either at the clients home or at the office. A lesson is with a particular instructor in a particular car at a given time. Lessons can start as early as 6a.m. and as late as 8p.m. After each lesson, the instructor records the progress made by the client and notes the mileage used during the lesson. The Organization has a pool of cars, which are adopted for the purpose of teaching. Each instructor is allocated to a particular car. As well as teaching, the instructors are free to use the cars for personal use. The cars are inspected at regular intervals for faults. Once ready, a client will be given a test date by the instructor. It is the responsibility of the instructor to ensure that the client is best prepared for all parts of the test. The instructor is not the responsible for testing the client and is not in the car during the test but should be available to drop off and pick up the client before and after the test at the testing centre. If a client fails to pass, the instructor must record the reasons for the failure. 1.4. AIMS OF THE PROJECT. 1. To design and implement a network solution for the new Barking branch . 2. To redesign or upgrade the companys existing network system. 3. To connect GFK to the Internet and provide full internet service. 4. To design a desktop and its delivery to all GFKs client computers. 5. To address security and back-up issues. 6. To design a network monitoring policy to maintain and/or improve performance in the future. This particular aspect of the group work is investigated in detail by Student number: 0212251 in Part B. 1.5 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED NETWORK SYSTEM. The design of the Local Area Network for the new branch and its communication with the rest of the GFK network will be approached in view of satisfying two fundamental business functions: Information sharing: refers to having users access the same data files, exchange information via email, or use the internet. Resource sharing: refers to one computer sharing a hardware device (e.g., printer) or software package with other computers on the network to save costs. The main benefit of information sharing is improved decision making, which is one of the goals of the GFK School of Motoring. Any application, e.g. a web browser, on the GFK LAN will have the following functions: 1. data storage 2. data access logic 3. application or business logic 4. presentation logic Based on these functions we will be implementing client/server network architecture at the new branch. We will be using 3-tier client/server architecture to spread the load between the clients (microcomputers) and the servers (more powerful microcomputers). This is illustrated in the diagram below: (FitzGerald Dennis, page 46, top). In this case, the software on the client computer is responsible for presentation logic, an application server is responsible for the application logic and a separate database server is responsible for the data access logic and data storage [1, page 45]. Since the main advantage of a client/server architecture is also its weak point i.e. enabling software and hardware from different vendors to be used together, we will recommend a middleware software such as CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). It will perform two vital functions: 1. It enables a standard way of communication by translating between software from different vendors 2. It manages the message transfer from clients to servers (and vice versa) so that clients need not know the specific server that contains the applications data. The application software on the client sends all messages to the middleware, which forwards them to the correct server. The application software on the client is therefore protected from any changes in the physical network. If the network layout changes (e.g., a new server is added), only the middleware must be updated [1, page 44]. By choosing this architecture for the new branch, we have achieved two things: 1. Better load balancing between the servers on the network 2. Scalability. In the future, if due to business demands the system needs to be extended, this can be easily done by adding one or more servers. 1.6 REQUIREMENTS ACQUISITION. In order to obtain valuable information about the GFK School of Motoring, the group decided to send out questionnaires to members of the organization who uses the old system regularly and have a good knowledge of it. We decided on questionnaires because we believe that the users, being under no pressure as they answer questions about the existing system, will provide a reliable feedback. 1.6.1 QUESTIONNAIRE 1. User: Mr A. Patel. Position: Instructor. Time at Company: 3 years. Branch: Stratford Branch. 1. Question: How often do you use the system? Answer: Daily. As many as 20 times a day, when at work. 2. Question: Are you comfortable using the company network? Answer: Sort of. 3. Question: What do you normally use the system for? Answer: Browsing the internet, enquiring about client information, entering client details, sending and receiving emails etc. 4. Question: Which of these tasks do you found most daunting and why? Answer: No doubt, it is obtaining information about clients. The process is very slow and frustrating especially during peak hours. For some reasons the system is sluggish and it slows down the business. 5. Question: From question 4, do you sometimes have to abort the task? Answer: No, because a client details got to be entered. Its frustrating, but you wait until its done before moving on. As a result we tend to record client details at the whenever the system tend to be responsive. This might be a couple of days later. 6. Question: Which of these tasks do you find easiest to do and why? Answer: No doubt, surfing the internet, sending emails, registering clients on-line. 7. Question: Have you had experiences of viruses causing disruption on the system and how? Answer: Certainly on many occasions. I can remember on one occasion a few of my clients and me couldnt use our computers because it was totally corrupted and my section had to be closed down while the techie people sorted it out. We lost most of the files on our computers. 8. Question: From question 7, on how many occasions did this happen? Answer: Ive experienced it about 6 or 7 times. 9. Question: What advice were you given about using the systems in terms of avoiding virus infection? Answer: The normal stuff. Dont open email you dont the source, log-off the system before you close for the day, etc. But despite taking these measures, we still have the problem. 10. Question: Do you normally back-up your files yourself and how often? Answer: Yeah, files are supposed to be backed up on cd-roms at the end of every working day but not everybody does it. 11. Question: Do you case of lost customer files and how often? Answer: Yeah, we do. I know a few of my mate who do. We just try to re-acquire it from the customer without the knowledge of management. Someone has been reprimanded for it in the past. Sometimes, its the fault of the system. As I said earlier, it can be frustratingly slow. 12. Question: If you can change the system, what will you change and why? Answer: Definitely, it will be the enquiry procedure. Anything that makes the process faster will do.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Sweepstakes Scandal :: essays research papers fc
Persuasion is "the process by which a person's attitudes or behaviors are, without duress, influenced by communications from other people (Encyclopedia Britannica Online). There are numerous types of persuasion and in many forms. In the following pages I will take you on a journey through the tactics of sweepstakes companies, one in particular - Publishers Clearing House. This is an interesting subject matter that I have grown up around. My mother has sent in each and every Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes letter she has received since she was twenty years old. She is positive that someday she will indeed win big money even though she has only won a few prizes worth about a dollar in over 30 years of doing it. Why? Simply because she is persuaded by someone or something to keep doing so. Sweepstakes companies have become very skilled at creating a web of deception by the headlines, the words; in fact many things about their mailings are intended to get people to buy products they would not likely buy otherwise. Sweepstakes companies target generations that are very trusting. These letters are mindfully designed to look like authentic government documents. Companies misrepresent the possibility of actually winning through the involved use of graphics which manipulate font, color, type size, layout, and text to hide the contest conditions in order to emphasize the likelihood of winning, when in fact it is simply a mass-market mailing. They even have personal notes from celebrities such as Ed McMahon that makes it difficult for a person not to believe that he is a winner. Other convincing techniques they use are the associated publicity release forms and pre-authorization of how one would like the prize payoff. Publishers Clearing House, one of the United States largest operators of sweepstakes competitions, was founded in 1953 and has been holding sweepstakes since 1967. They sell magazine subscriptions, videos, collectible figurines, sport memorabilia, coins, household and personal care items, along with books and tapes. The company has given out approximately $137 million in money and prizes (pch.com). In contrast, during 1997 and 1998, the company had annual sales of about $375 million. Publishers Clearing House started out in the business of selling magazines but are now in the pursuit of selling sweepstakes, and instead of people being sold the benefits of the magazines, they are sold on being a winner, finalist, or having a better chance to win.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
China Yuan Becoming Reserve Currency Essay
In recent years, China has maintained that it’s â€Å"special†economy is pursuing a â€Å"market economy, but with Chinese characteristics†. Some of these characteristics include encouraging more of an international use of the currency, while being famous for their inflexibility with exchange rates, and not fully opening up the economy to the free flow of capital. However, the Yuan’s acceptance as a reserve currency will be based on China’s economic size, macroeconomic policies, flexible exchange rates, financial market development, and finally having an open capital account. It seems that with time, it is inevitable that China’s Yuan will one day become a global reserve currency. Depending on the development of these five criteria, China’s currency may become a global reserve currency sooner than predicted. China’s Economic Size The Chinese economy is now the second largest economy in the world, and estimated to have 10 – 15 percent of the world GDP. Further, in 2011 China accounted for almost 25 percent of the world’s GDP growth (Briscoe, 2012). Despite this, GDP and economic size are not the main determinants of a country’s reserve currency status. If we remember US history, we will note that the United States surpassed the United Kingdom in terms of GDP in 1870, but still did not become a reserve currency until 1944 (Prasad, 2012). Thus, economic size in not the most important factor in becoming eligible for world currency status. Macroeconomic Policies The continued role of the government in the banking system is a limiting factor when trying to encourage a more open capital account. However, the government maintains that keeping a tight control over their currency prevents economic crisis.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Border and Coastal Security (Criminal Justice) Essay
`Hardened Border Paradox’ and `Open Border Paradox. The `Hardened Border Paradox’ refers to the situation when tougher border controls fail to achieve their objective – stop illegal migrants and smuggling. Instead, it is argued, these tougher controls create an atmosphere ripe for spread of criminal activity. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, in his written testimony before a hearing of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate noted that â€Å"draconian measures to police the border invariably provide incentives for informal arrangements and criminal conspiracies to overcome cross-border barriers to commerce and labor movements†. There appears an industry for helping illegal migrants, whereas the cooperation of law enforcement bodies is reduced when one side unilaterally pursues strict policies. The border becomes more â€Å"chaotic†, and tough regulation â€Å"creates a demand for those who are in the business of arranging the illegal crossings†(Kirkpatrick, 2004). This paradox can be resolved by combating illegal groupings and promoting cooperation at the border between authorities on both sides. The ‘Open Border Paradox’ includes the need to combat the movement of terrorists and smugglers across open borders without damaging the free flow of goods and services that benefits the economies of both nations. This paradox exists, for example, on the US-Canadian border where the flow of goods and services is in dependence on anti-terrorist measures. To overcome this paradox, authorities from both sides can create special projects targeting terrorists without jeopardizing trade flows. Kirkpatrick in his testimony points out the example of a bi-national â€Å"Integrated Border Enforcement Team (IBET)†created on the US-Canadian border to overcome smuggling in 1996. Is it cost effective to spend millions and millions of dollars in an effort to stop a handfull of people` who are bound to terrorize the United States? Counteracting the bunch of people bound to terrorize the United States is worth millions of dollars and perhaps even more. This number is commensurate with the devastating impact September 11th and other events had on the development of the American economy and national security. Efforts to combat terrorism within the United States are also costly. The negative effect of terrorist activities on the economic activities of Americans can hardly be overrated. Terrorism poses a risk to the United States and all of its business. Foreign partners contemplating a deal with US companies will be more reluctant to do so if they perceive the state as being in continuous danger of an external attack. This means loss in indirect costs from dangers to the national security, with the effect similar to that political instability in developing nations has on their ability to attract and retain direct foreign investment. The costs of failing to keep the terrorists out are therefore serious issues that have to be addressed in order to prevent the possible danger to the economy. In this way, these efforts are similar to risk management in business. The risk averted may never materialize, and all the costs seem to have sunk in vain; however, if the risk did materialize, the impact on business would have been much greater. Speaking of the need to avert a terrorist attack through anti-terrorism campaigns, one need not forget that it is not only economic prosperity that is at stake. The negative impact on the quality of lives of Americans from September 11th attacks cannot be measured in dollars alone, for here one must factor in the pain, the grief, and the fear that affected even those who only saw the attacks on TV. The government has to deliver public goods to the people, and national security is one of them. Therefore, spending large sums on anti-terrorist measures is a sound idea as long as helps to prevent the terrorists effectively from getting into the country and perpetrating their crimes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sun Yat-Sen essays
Sun Yat-Sen essays Sun Yat-Sen helped the growth of Nationalism during the early 20th century. After experiencing and studying in Hawaii, he got a taste of what the western world was like. Sun wanted to help westernize China to keep up with the worlds technology and economy. His goal was to nationalize China. He also wanted to aid in reforming the social problems China was facing. He started groups to revolutionize China and overthrow the rule of the Qing dynasty. Sun Yat-Sen traveled all over the world to hide from the officials of the Qing dynasty and to gain funds for his Chinese Revolutionary Army. In 1911, the revolution occurred and Sun became the president of The Republic of China. He was mainly interested in, integrating ethnic minorities, enhancing welfare needs of the poor, promoting womens rights, and opposing the archaic practice of footbinding. Yet, Sun was unsuccessful with his dreams for China, he did some writing for a democratic, government. He had three principles that he wanted his followers to carry on after he died. The three principles consisted of Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood. Sun was important in the 20th century for his work in trying to incorporate colonialism and imperialism in his China. Suns plans were implemented in Taiwan and credit was given to him for his three principles. Though it was not implemented in China, China is now considering applying Suns three principles to unify China. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Telling Time Lesson With Worksheets
Telling Time Lesson With Worksheets Children usually learn to tell time by first or second grade. The concept is abstract and takes some fundamental instruction before children can grasp the concept. You can use several worksheets to help children learn how to represent time on a clock and how to decipher the time on analog and digital clocks. The Fundamentals The concept of time may take some time to grasp. But, if you use a methodical approach to explaining how to tell what time it is, your students can pick it up with some practice. 24 Hours in a Day The first thing that will help young students learn about time is if you explain to them that there are 24 hours in a day. Explain that the clock divides the day into two halves of 12 hours each. And, within each hour, there are 60 minutes. For an example, you can explain how there is an 8 oclock in the morning, like when children are getting ready for school, and an 8 oclock at night, usually associated with bedtime. Show the students what a clock looks like when it is 8 oclock with a plastic clock or another teaching aid. Ask the children what the clock looks like. Ask them what they notice about the clock. Hands on a Clock Explain to children that a clock has a face and two main hands. The teacher should demonstrate that the smaller hand represents the hour of the day while the larger hand represents the minutes within that hour. Some students may have already grasped the concept of skip counting by 5s, which should make it easier for children to understand the concept of each number on the clock representing 5-minute increments. Explain how 12 at the top of the clock is both the beginning and end of the hour and how it represents :00. Then, have the class count out the subsequent numbers on the clock, by skip counting by 5s, from 1 through 11. Explain how the smaller hash marks between numbers on the clock are minutes. Go back to the example of 8 oclock. Explain how oclock means zero minutes or :00. Usually, the best progression for teaching children to tell time is to start in larger increments, like start with children only identifying the hour, then move to the half-hour, then the quarter hour, and then intervals of 5 minutes. Worksheets for Learning Time Once students understand that the small hour hand represents the 12-hour cycle and the minute hand points to 60 unique minutes around the clock face, they can begin practicing these skills by attempting to tell the time on a variety of clock worksheets. Blank clocks worksheetTelling time to the nearest 5 minutesTelling time to the nearest minuteTwo worksheets for filling in random times: Worksheet 1 and worksheet 2Fill in the digital times for analog clocksMiscellaneous time worksheets Other Teaching Aids Engaging multiple senses in learning helps support understanding and providing manipulatives and hands-on experiences enhance the learning experience. There are many plastic-type clocks that are available to help children learn time concepts. If you cant find mini plastic clocks, have your students make paper clocks using a butterfly clip. When a child has a clock to manipulate, you can then ask them to show you various times. Or you can show them the digital time and ask them to show you what it looks like on an analog clock. Incorporate word problems into the exercises, such as it is now 2 oclock, what time will it be in a half an hour.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Information Technology Management transformation Research Paper
Information Technology Management transformation - Research Paper Example This scenario has challenged Alcan’s senior management team to offer greater priority in the field of IT by deciding to create a position of Vice president in the company. This has, therefore, provided me an opportunity to join the Alcan Company as the CIO of the Corporate Information Technologies. As an engineer and IT consultant, I have trained and gained experience, for about forty years, in the Company hence giving me a better position to coordinate the company. According to my 2006 analysis on Alcan Company, I realized that it used IT management model which had a number of strength. For instance, it created and sold a variety of products such bauxite, sheet ingot, smelter grade alumina, wire ingot, beverage can sheet, extrusion billet, aluminum recycling services, automobile iron, flexible and specialist packaging, and fabricated products such as cable and wire. The model was also vertically integrated just like other key players found in its sector. It owed seven alumina refineries and specialist alumina plants, eight mines and deposits, 26 aluminum smelters, 17 laminated product plants, a transport network such as port and rail facilities, 12 electric power plants, 180 packaging material plants, and 49 engineered product plants. Alcan’s IT management model also had five groups with corresponding responsibilities. The first group dealt with development of corporate application which included fourteen resources divided among Paris, Montreal, Zurich, and Singen. The second group dealt with architecture and consisted of 3 resources with highly technical skills that corresponded to those of shared infrastructure and planning groups. The third group was responsible of finding solutions to information system. It was made up of sixty resources distributed among 5 different cities: Paris, Warmley, Issoire, Voreppe, and Neuf Brisach. The
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