Purpose of writing an essay
Research Paper Topics For Teenagers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Segmentation – a Brief Analysis of Facial Creams
The innovative brief c. Take a gander at the Sepals promotion ND plan in reverse the situating. Undertaking 4: Debriefing: Take the instance of the customer brief of ANT (National Authority for Tourism) and envision that you are a record individual and put all the inquiries that you would put to a customer inside a questioning meeting so as to explain yourself so you can think of an imaginative brief. Assignment 5: Communication channels †Identify applicable correspondence stations for Avoidance Passport support and characterize what might be the job of every one out of a correspondence crusade meaning to expand membership of this service.Task 1 †Sony Triton-Formulate the Position Backwards [Target/need] To emulate, diversion. _Sony_Trillion_ individuals that sit in front of the TV as a methods for Information. Spending is the brand of TV sets serious framework] contending structured by Sony [perceptual for the most part with different brands counterclaiming TV sets, just a s with other picture sharing gear (videophone's, recorders, PCs). That best fulfills your need [brand benefit] for brilliance and lucidity of the depicted picture The motivation behind why is 1 .ART perfectly clear picture at a moderate value 2. Column it depends on a mechanical development †â€Å"triton†which is utilized explicitly for a more clear and more brilliant picture. I en Drank contracted Is reality. More splendid, more clear picture , progressively striking and taking after Competition a. Define the situating of top 5 players on hostile to maturing face cream advertise as you can comprehend it from their correspondence in 2008/2009. B. Draw up 3: Briefing: Look at the promotion named Maxillae and envision in reverse the accompanying: a.Task 2 †Anti-Aging Cream †Formulate the Position Backwards The 5 brands which I will talk about are: ; Naive QUOI Plus †hostile to maturing cream, in view of initiate QUOI for every day or evening utilization. Th is is an enemy of maturing item, utilized by both males(Naive Men) and ladies, with both day and evening time versions dependent on a similar key fixing †start QUOI, at a reasonable cost. Item Pop: contains initiate QUOI ; Given Power Youth †cream intended for the principal indications of maturing , dependent on regular fixings and for a smoother, increasingly hydrated impact of the skin. This is a cream which most ladies use consistently, during day time.Consumer Pop: regular fixings ; La Prairie Anti-Aging Complex Cellular Intervention Cream †propelled hostile to maturing cream, remembers collagen for expansion to retinal and hydroxyl acids to decrease the presence of lines. A progressively rich item, with an expected cost of 200$/ounce. Item Pop: collagen expansion, retinal and hydroxyl acids Task 2 †Anti-Aging Cream †Formulate the Position Backwards ;Erne Laszlo Timeless Skin Age †against maturing cream fitting for all skin types. Limits under-eye h opelessness, lessens appearance of barely recognizable differences and wrinkles, dispenses with bovine's feet and fine dry lines in eye zone.Formulated with Marine Collagen Complex and nutrients to decrease lines and indications of weakness. A cream for mass-utilization. Customer Pop: marine normal fixings to decrease lines brought about by weariness ; Clique Anti-Gravity Firming Lift Cream †the cream lifts and solidifies skin. Eradicates the vibes of lines as it fixes. Reestablishes flexibility by reconstructing regular collagen. Includes pad into diminishing skin through patent-pending innovation. This is a cream witch ladies use generally during evening time, at a reasonable cost. Item pop: contains a self-enlisted recipe intended to make a unique pad into skin tangling Ana telling.Task 2 †Anti-Aging Cream †Naive QUOI Plus [Target/need] To present day, dynamic and consistently moving ladies that look for an energetic and Jovial angle in their skin tone and surface, around from 35-4 years of age. Is the brand of healthy skin, enemies of wrinkles cream [perceptual serious framework] overlooking for the most part with different brands counterclaiming skin _Naive QUOI Plus _ care items (creams, serums) , just as with different items which target decreasing the indications of maturing †common or compound substances, clinical mediations, extra methods of accomplishing a similar outcome (knead, a specific eating regimen).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marketing Research Proposal Sample Essay
Presentation: Indian natural product Juice showcase is a sloppy and recently creating market. Recently this division is getting increasingly composed and drawing in more players in the market. In spite of the fact that the disorderly corner shop merchants overwhelm this market, Indian purchasers are moving towards marked organic product Juice due to their improvement in wellbeing awareness. Indian natural product Juice showcase is having a total assets of 275 crores starting at now and expanding at a pace of 35% to every year. This examination was led to recognize the current market structure, industry patterns, existing players and their tatus in the market, development prospects and purchaser conduct of existing natural product juice buyers. The examination was directed to comprehend the all out market knowledge with the goal that it can control any new contestant in this division in Indian market would get befitted. The examination incorporates both essential and auxiliary research. Essential research was directed across India. Essential research includes gathering data from the two purchasers and retailers to show signs of improvement understanding about the market. This exploration report can fill in as a guide for any new contestant who needs to enter in this natural product Juice advertise in India. The report can likewise fill in as a fundamental industry data asset. (http://www. reportbuyer. com/food_drink/country_overviews_food/indian_fruit_]uice_market. html) Problem articulation: Which elements impact the shopper buying choice for organic product drinks. Objective * To decide the item properties impacting buy choice of organic product drink brands. * To decide the explanations behind devouring different organic product drink brands. To decide the most favored SKU(quantity) in natural product drink classification. * To decide the most favored direct in the natural product drink classification. * To decide most favored natural product drink SCOPE * Study will be conveyed across various regions of Ahmedabad city. * People of various age gatherings will be considered in the Study. Study is focused on Carbonated and Non-Carbonated organic product drinks.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
What to Ask Before Submitting Your College Applications
What to Ask Before Submitting Your College Applications 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Submit Your College Applications 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Submit Your College Applications The day has come… almost. Regular decision deadlines are just a few weeks away, and soon it will be time to kiss those admissions essays goodbye and send them off into the wide world. They grow up so fast. After spending so many hours laboring over each individual application, it can be hard to let go, to stop fussing, and to finally hit submit. You’ll have to do it eventually, though. We recommend submitting your final applications a MINIMUM of 48 hours before the final deadline to preempt any technical issues that might come up on the last day. If you can wrap things up even earlier, all the better for you. You’ll be able to enjoy your holidays. 1. Have you written every single essay? Okay, duh. This is an obvious one, but it’s also the most important. Sometimes avoiding an essay can turn into forgetting all about it. Double check your list of prompts to make sure all essays are accounted for, and then do one last dive on the Common App and college websites to make sure you haven’t overlooked any hidden prompts. 2. Could anyone else put their name on your essay? This is your last shot to make sure that every last essay says something personal, and speaks to admissions from a unique perspective that could only be your own. Sure, some of your peers may have overlapping experiences in a broad sense, but do the details of your life put a singular twist on your topic? If you think it would be weird for anyone else to claim your essay as your own, your job is done. 3. Does all of the grammar and spelling checkout? Cross the i’s and dot the t’s. Even if you are a spelling bee champ and a grammar aficionado, you should still check your work. No one is immune to typos, and it would be such a shame to send off a beautifully written essay riddled with errors. While a single comma splice will probably not make or break your application, you don’t want to give admissions any reason to discount your candidacy. So do yourself a favor and take one last peek. 4. Does every essay contain the correct school name? Good grief, this may be the single most important detail in any of your essays. Even though admissions officers know you are applying to other schools, you should never make them feel like you would rather focus your attention on other essays â€" or other schools. Here’s your answer key: Yes, No, Yes, Yes. If these were your answers, it’s time to let it go and hit submit. About Rebecca SemenetzView all posts by Rebecca Semenetz » Want an expert to take a look at your essay? We're waiting for your call! CONTACT US »
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Descriptive Essay About Paranoid - 1603 Words
Leaves crunched underfoot as I walked under the moonlight away from my best friend s house. I shiver as I wrap my arms around my body wishing I had brought a jacket with me. As I get closer to my house I feel something approaching me, I turn to see what’s there, but see nothing but my shadow. I lightly laugh for being silly and getting paranoid easily. As I approached my house I found that everyone has gone to sleep thinking that I was going to have a sleep over. I look around for the spare key that we hide in the plant pot. As I go to grab it, I find nothing but dirt. I assume that my mom brought it inside. I sigh in annoyance as I attempt to call my parents. When it goes straight to voicemail, I call my brother, hoping that he was†¦show more content†¦At this point I’ve already figured out that I’ve been kidnapped but by whom? Moments later I hear a quiet chuckle and a man say in a eerily happy voice â€Å"Oh, you re finally awake†. As I hear t he voice of this unknown person I can’t help to start to cry as he hears my sobs of fear he responds by saying in his sickling cheery voiceâ€Å"Tch, Tch,tch, can’t have you making so much noise someone might hear you†As I hear him say this I attempt to scream louder against the cloth around my mouth to get someone’s attention. Then all of a sudden he grabs my neck roughly and whispers harshly into my ear â€Å"If you don’t I will kill you, otherwise you just might make out alive†. He says this and my cries are quickly hushed. Then he returns to his normally â€Å"happy†voice and pats my head and says â€Å"good girl†treating me like a dog as he does this I can’t help but growl he responds by chuckling at my obviously failed attempt of acting menacing. As I await to see what he is going to do next I hear a door close and lock I let out a shaky yet relieved breath thinking that he was out of the room as I wait for what seems like hours I eventually drift off to sleep, my body and emotions need a break after the ride it’s been through. After a short rest I’m awoken by a painful strike on my back followed by a threatening voice saying â€Å"Did I say you can sleep†when I don’t respond and only let out whimpers of pain he then suddenly whips me again causing me toShow MoreRelatedSocietys Fear and Fascination with Crime Essay804 Words  | 4 Pagesdescribed as a buzzword. It could be argued that today’s society is both fearful of, and fascinated by, crime. There have been many explanations as to why society is increasingly both fearful and fascinated by the crime problem in the UK. 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The short and condensed sentences provide a realistic and serious tone for the reader, a good example of this is shown in theRead MoreHow to Write a Business Report Essay18530 Words  | 75 PagesReports and proposals After reading this chapter you should be able to: †¢ Explain the differences and similarities between formats, types or sub-genres of reports †¢ Explain the differences and similarities between reports and essays †¢ Explain why documents need to contain an appropriate balance of information and persuasion †¢ Demonstrate competence in writing a longer, analytical research report †¢ Explain the differences between reports and submissions, proposals and tenders So you’ve got toRead MorePsychology Workbook Essay22836 Words  | 92 Pagesconclusions about behavior and mental processes. _____ Psychology is not a science. Objective I.2 Define the scientific method, and explain how it is used in psychology? 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Homeless in Ukraine - 2960 Words
Kabachenko N. (Ukraine) â€Å"The Problem of Homelessness in Ukraine†The paper presents a situation with homelessness in Ukraine. Particularly, the following aspects are covered: the legislation, the institutions which serve the homeless people, approaches to data collection methodology, causes of homelessness, challenges with establishing of the new services for homeless people and complications with research activity in this field. The Homeless Situation The situation with the homelessness in Ukraine is rather strained and deteriorating. Political and economic changes in Ukrainian society cause processes that lead to increase of number of homeless people. Big cities are most suffering from this problem, where a†¦show more content†¦It is wrongly believed that all Reception Centre clients have criminal past. But according to the personal of Reception Centres only part of clients have criminal past and ex-prisoners experience. Sometimes the homeless are asking to let them stay for few periods in the Receptions because of the cold weather, lack of food or illness. This situation creates some kind of ethic dilemma for directors of Receptions because to do it means to break the law but not to do means to leave a person in an extraordinary situation without help. According to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there were more than 40,000 homeless persons in Ukraine in 2005. This information can only partially clar ify the problem, since those numbers include people who attracted attention of the militia officers by their behaviour and the prosecutor’s sanction was obtained to keep the person in that unit. The people whose behaviour did not give any reasons for detention and homeless women make most of the number or larger part of it in comparison to that given above. Militia officers also mention that they arrest people who do vagrancy, mendicancy or begging. But as a rule they do not detain those with signs of severe illnesses, elderly people and women who don’t demonstrate asocial behaviour. Another big group, which also is included into general number of homeless people in Ukraine, is theShow MoreRelatedVladimir Putin, The Most Hated Man Of His Time958 Words  | 4 PagesVladimir Putin, who is the president of Russia, the man that is held responsible for tearing Ukraine apart into a battlefield. The eastern region of Ukraine withheld a city (Crimea), which became the headl ines of all western and global war for its significant role in the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict. This was due to the city that was being fought over by the two countries. As Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin was bashed by the world for being the new modern Hitler; which Hilary Clinton had comparedRead MoreJoseph Stalins Forced Famine878 Words  | 4 Pagespossessions that were there also. Stalin believed that an uprising could happen in the future if he hadn’t gotten rid of the Kulaks. He thought he had to take more control towards them so he took away all of their things and soon enough, they were homeless. Since the Kulaks were in disagreement with Stalin, he began to symbolize them into their own group. Representation of the Kulaks began because Stalin knew he had to separate the Kulaks from everyone else because they had disobeyed his orders thatRead MoreEssay891 Words  | 4 PagesJack is a young American man who is a part of â€Å"International Association for Support and Development of Ukraine†organization. He volunteers to fly to Donetsk, Ukraine for humanitarian aid. He helps housing homeless natives and provides first aid to wounded Ukrainian soldiers. There, he meets a girl, Anna, whose house was bombed and is now in a shelter for those who lost their homes. He learns that all of her family, unfortunately, didn’t survive. 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Controlled under the power of a man named Joseph Stalin, the people of Ukraine were deliberately starved to death. During this period in time, Ukraine’s population was about 80% peasants. All men, women, and even children, were forced to suffer to their death caused by the lack of foodRead MoreTaking a Look at Child Labor1500 Words  | 6 Pagespart of the victims. Hospitals were a big part of the capital, it was filled with young children who have been hit with bullets or have been handicapped from mine explosions. Doing the war thousands of kids got killed and injured many became homeless with no type of money or food. Parents were lost in fights, so more and more children were without families and homes. Without a functioning government for the young to turn to for protection or a home community for social assistance, childrenRead MoreDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America Essays770 Words  | 4 PagesDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America? â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door! American Jewish poet, Emma Lazarus, wrote the sonnet entitled â€Å"The New Colossus†which, today is engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty. The message portrayed by Lazarus’s poem is to the millions of immigrantsRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Poverty In Russia726 Words  | 3 Pageslive on less than 10,000 rubles or $173.61 a month. In the year 2014 many Russians fell into poverty (Putin, in pre-election year, pledges to erase spiralling poverty, 2017). Low world oil prices and Western sanctions imposed over the conflict in Ukraine have hit Russia hard since 2014, reducing the amount of money available for domestic needs (Putin, in pre-election year, pledges to erase spiralling poverty, 2017). There was a teacher who mentioned she only made 16,500 rubles or $286.46 a monthRead MoreOrgan Trafficking : A Large Problem1446 Words  | 6 Pagesreceives a lot less. Lastly people are treated for a illness in which they do not know if their organs are being or not being removed (Trafficking for Organ Trade, 2014). The vulnerable groups of people that are normally attacked are migrant workers, homeless individuals, and illiterate people. Organ trafficking does not discriminate against any age. Organs that are commonly trafficked are livers and kidneys. Any organ will be traded as long as it can removed and used (Trafficking for Organ Trade, 2014)Read MoreThe Prevalence Of Smoking Is A Large Impact On The Past And Current Citizens Of The Country1949 Words  | 8 PagesIn Ukraine, the prevalence of smoking has been a large impact on the past and current citizens of the country. The social determinants as stated before has a greater effect on the percentage of individuals that are smoking. Men whose social positions have deteriorated over the last 5 years are more likely to start smoking compared to those who have not been. Women who live in urban areas are more likely to start smoking rather than those in rural areas and women who have been previously married.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Chinese Abacus †Short Essay Free Essays
The Chinese Abacus The Chinese Abacus is a simple device for performing mathematical calculations. The Chinese Abacus also known as a â€Å"Suanpan†in Chinese. The Abacus was first mentioned by the mathematician Xu Yueh at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chinese Abacus – Short Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now D). The Abacus is a tool for calculating numbers, and was widely used in ancient times up to the invention of the modern mechanical and electronic calculators. The Abacus is similar to the modern calculator. It has a rectangular wooden frame with beads in the columns. There is a cross rod to divide beads into two parts, above the rod each bead represents quantities of five and as it moves right it goes up like 50, 500, 5000 and so on, while under the rod each bead represents quantities of one and goes up to 10, 100, 1000, and so on. The basic operations for which the abacus is helpful include arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The computational methods using an Abacus are called abacus calculations. This device was created using wood and beads. You only count the beads that are in the center on the divider. The Abacus is still in use today by shopkeepers in Asia and â€Å"Chinatowns†in North America. The use of the abacus is still taught in Asian schools, and some few schools in America. Blind children are taught to use the Abacus. One particular use for the Abacus is teaching children simple mathematics and especially multiplication. The Abacus is also an excellent tool for teaching other base numbering systems since it easily adapts itself to any base. I made my Abacus by simply getting four wood planks and nailing them together to make a wooden frame. Then I got another wood plank and nailed in the middle to make the cross rod. I drilled 13 holes on the cross rod, the top, and bottom of the frame. I got a stick stuck it through the top of the frame, placed two beads in and stuck it through the cross rod, added five more beads then stuck the stick through the bottom part of the frame thus making the first column. I continued this process 12 more times until I finished all of the 13 columns. After I was done I painted my frame purple and I was finished. A perfectly crafted Chinese Abacus made within one and a half hours. . How to cite The Chinese Abacus – Short Essay, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Child Neglect Essay Example For Students
Child Neglect Essay Sean NelsonSW320J. JuarezChild NeglectThis quarter at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, I am taking a class called Family Violence. In this class, one of the most disturbing types of abuse that I have learned about is the neglect of children. Hard to detect and even harder to prove, it is the most common form of family violence between senior citizens who live with their families. In 1998 there were an estimated 903,000 victims of child maltreatment, and more than half (53 percent) suffered from neglect. In an independent study, the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse estimated that 3,140,000 children were reported for all types of maltreatment in 1994, and child neglect accounted for approximately 45% of reported cases and 49% of substantiated cases. Also, in 1994, the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse estimated that 1,271 children died as a result of maltreatment of which 42% were attributed to neglect. Child neglect is as specific a finding as child abuse, though it is more common and often more devastating. Despite this, cases of child neglect are sometimes investigated and documented poorly, simply because the definition of neglect is not clear to the investigator, who then may not be sure what precisely to look for. A definition of neglect allows investigation, collection of evidence, documentation, and court Nelson, Seanproceedings. The cornerstone of neglect is the concept of parental duty. Parents have duties because, until many years after birth, our offspring cannot look after their own basic biological needs and survival, unlike most animals, which can take care of themselves shortly after birth. Our children cannot gather food, protect themselves from the elements or from predators, or recognize danger. Thus, in the performance of this duty, parents do for children what the children cannot yet do for themselves. Parents thereby hugely decrease the chances of childrens inj ury or early death. The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System report defines neglect as a type of maltreatment that refers to the failure to provide needed, age-appropriate care. Unlike physical and sexual abuse, neglect is usually typified by an ongoing pattern of inadequate care and is readily observed by individuals in close contact with the child. Physicians, nurses, day-care personnel, relatives, and neighbors are frequently the ones to suspect and report neglected infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children. Once children are in school, school personnel often notice indicators of child neglect such as poor hygiene, poor weight gain, inadequate medical care, or frequent absences from school. Professionals have defined four types of neglect, being physical, emotional, educational, and medical neglect. Physical neglect accounts for the majority of cases of maltreatment. It is estimated that 8 of every 1,000 children experience physical neglect. The definition includes the refusal of or extreme delay in seeking necessary health care, child abandonment, inadequate supervision, rejection of a child Page 2Nelson, Seanleading to expulsion from the home, and failing to adequately provide for the childs safety and physical and emotional needs. Physical neglect can severely impact a childs development by causing failure to thrive; malnutrition; serious illnesses; physical harm in the form of cuts, bruises, and burns due to lack of supervision; and a lifetime of low self-esteem. Educational neglect occurs when a child is allowed to engage in chronic truancy, is of mandatory school age, but not enrolled in school or receiving school training, and/or is not receiving needed special educational training. Educational neglect can lead to underachievement in acquiring necessary basic skills, drop ping out of school, and/or continually disruptive behavior. Emotional neglect includes such actions as chronic or extreme spousal abuse in the childs presence, allowing a child to use drugs or alcohol, refusal or failure to provide needed psychological care, constantly putting the child down, and withholding of affection. This pattern of behavior can lead to poor self-image, alcohol or drug abuse, destructive behavior, and even suicide. Severe neglect of infants can result in the infant failing to grow and thrive and may even lead to infant death. This called the failure to thrive syndrome. Medical neglect is the failure to provide for appropriate health care for a child although financially able to do so. In 1995, 3% of the substantiated cases of child maltreatment dealt with medical neglect. In some cases, a parent or other caretaker will withhold traditional medical care during the practice of certain religious beliefs. These cases generally do not fall under the definition of me dical neglect, however, some states will obtain a court order forcing medical treatment of a child in order to save the childs life or prevent life-threatening injury resulting from lack of treatment. Page 3Nelson, SeanMedical neglect can result in poor overall health and compounded medical problems. Although neglect is highly correlated with poverty, there is a distinction to be made between a caregivers ability to provide the needed care due to the lack of financial resources, illness, or cultural norms, and a caregivers knowing reluctance and/or refusal to provide care. Either way, children may be found to be in neglectful situations and in need of services even though the parent may not be intentionally neglectful. Whereas poverty may limit a parents resources to adequately provide necessities for the child, services may be offered to assist families in providing for their children. .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b , .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .postImageUrl , .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b , .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:hover , .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:visited , .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:active { border:0!important; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:active , .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5af8bc19fe0819af2f9633f0d080b64b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God EssayIf you suspect child neglect is occurring, the first step to take toward protecting the child is to report it to the local child protective agency, usually either social services or human services, in your county or state. Professionals who work with children are required by law to report suspicion of neglect or abuse. Furthermore, there are 20 states that require every citizen who suspects abuse or neglect to report it. Reasonable suspicion based on objective evidence, which could be firsthand observation or hearing statements made by a parent or child, is all that is needed to report. Child abuse prevention is usually categorized into primary, secondary or tertiary prevention. Primary prevention can be characterized as attempts to influence community attitudes to child maltreatment that is, community education. Primary prevention strategies also take the form of personal safety programs. Secondary prevention is aimed at support programs for at-risk populations, such as families with substance-abusing Page 4Nelson, Seancaregivers. Tertiary prevention is managed by the various state child protection services, and is directed at preventing the re-abuse of children. Child neglect is something that it hard to detect, and it is nearly impossible to get a conviction without solid evidence. Signs of neglect can quickly be erased through proper nourishment and a hard day of cleaning in someones household, which can ruin a court case. Most cases rely on the testimony of the person who reported the neglect and/or the social worker who worked on the case. Page 5Words/ Pages : 1,158 / 24
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